• The Secret to AI is the Key to Better Sales Calls

    The Secret to AI is the Key to Better Sales Calls

    In early 2023, sales professionals worldwide logged into ChatGPT for the first time with the expectation that they’d never have to write sales messaging themselves again. Only, our first attempts resulted in messaging full of the competitor’s language; messaging that exaggerated our products/services; messaging that was too generic in its personalization to prompt any reasonable…


5 Ways to Negotiate a Win-Win

Early in my sales career, my company hired a phenomenal negotiator to put us through a rigorous one-day training.We learned how to focus on the other individual, generate a feeling of safety, use their language to increase ra...

4 Ways to Jump-Start Renewal Sales

Over the past two years, the sales profession has seen more than a few headlines that turn heads:“43% of B2B customers prefer a rep-free experience.” (Gartner)“86% of reps said they’ve either lost or had a deal delaye...