• The Secret to AI is the Key to Better Sales Calls

    The Secret to AI is the Key to Better Sales Calls

    In early 2023, sales professionals worldwide logged into ChatGPT for the first time with the expectation that they’d never have to write sales messaging themselves again. Only, our first attempts resulted in messaging full of the competitor’s language; messaging that exaggerated our products/services; messaging that was too generic in its personalization to prompt any reasonable…


The Top Five Sales Lessons of 2021

If the B2B sales cycle is a marathon, Q4 is the final half-mile.It’s a time of triumph, defeat and resiliency — and when you’re in the middle of this race, it’s difficult to find time to reflect

Three Keys to Successful Sales Negotiations

When you hear the word negotiation, what comes to mind?It likely conjures images of your CRM, a ring light shining in your eyes, a giant cup of cold brew and a computer monitor covered in sticky notes

The Value of Thinking Like an Executive

As many of you know, our headquarters is in Southern California — an area famed for its breathtaking coastline, beautiful beaches, fantastic restaurants and traffic, lots of it.Last week on my drive to the office, I ended u...

The First Step to Selling Higher: Be Real

When it comes to digital experiences, B2B buyers are drifting through a sea of sameness.In his opening keynote for the recent Gartner CSO & Sales Leader Conference, Brent Adamson shared a shocking statistic: 64% of B2B buyers...