• The Secret to AI is the Key to Better Sales Calls

    The Secret to AI is the Key to Better Sales Calls

    In early 2023, sales professionals worldwide logged into ChatGPT for the first time with the expectation that they’d never have to write sales messaging themselves again. Only, our first attempts resulted in messaging full of the competitor’s language; messaging that exaggerated our products/services; messaging that was too generic in its personalization to prompt any reasonable…


Nailing the Credibility Intro

Credibility gets you in the door. These days, as we rely even more heavily on virtual communication, it’s more essential than ever to have a solid, value-based credibility introduction

Patience in Prospecting

Prospecting is one of the most difficult tasks for sales professionals. It takes commitment and consistency – but, most of all, it takes patience

5 Strategies for your Most Successful Sales Kickoff Ever

Are you finalizing plans for your company’s sales kickoff meeting? While your vision is likely to include inspiration, learning, recognition, and team building, often sales kickoff events don’t live up to expectations

Focus on What You Can Control to Achieve Quota

What is in your power to control? As a sales representative, you may be stuck with a crappy territory or you may be waiting for R&D to release the latest product enhancements – neither are things you are able to change

Proactive Strategies to Crush your Quota

Year-end is a stressful time for most of us in Sales. We’re racing to the finish line to try to meet – or hopefully exceed – our quota, and there are always variables that are beyond our control

Investing in Sales Coaching Pays Off: Here’s Why

There is a cause and effect relationship between developing your people and your sales results. Although this may seem like a common sense statement, too many companies ignore the connection or don’t act on it