• The Secret to AI is the Key to Better Sales Calls

    The Secret to AI is the Key to Better Sales Calls

    In early 2023, sales professionals worldwide logged into ChatGPT for the first time with the expectation that they’d never have to write sales messaging themselves again. Only, our first attempts resulted in messaging full of the competitor’s language; messaging that exaggerated our products/services; messaging that was too generic in its personalization to prompt any reasonable…


Power Up for Your Best Year Yet!

For most of us working in a sales role, the end-of-year is a crazy time. We’re busy closing the quarter, and often, the fiscal year

The Top Five Sales Lessons of 2021

If the B2B sales cycle is a marathon, Q4 is the final half-mile.It’s a time of triumph, defeat and resiliency — and when you’re in the middle of this race, it’s difficult to find time to reflect

How to Avoid the Agony of Defeat

Growing up, I remember watching the long-running TV series, “The Wide World of Sports." The opening preamble was legendary: “Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sport

There Is No Silver Bullet for Prospecting…Or Is There?

Every executive I know tasked with hitting a revenue target has the same challenge - getting more qualified leads into the top of the funnel. And just like the rest of us, they all hope there is a silver bullet to effective p...