Working Out Your Outreach with Habit Formation *Recap*

GUEST: Liston Witherill, Head of Growth at Gold Front, Chief of Sales Insights at Serve Don’t Sell, and host of the Modern Sales Podcast

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As we approach the 250th episode of the podcast, we want to take some time to look back at all the ground we’ve covered together.

To that end, we’ll be periodically resharing some of our favorite episodes — this is one of them. We hope you enjoy it!

Like any good seller, you want to level up your outreach game, so you set out in search of that magic tactic: You read every book, listen to every podcast, and enroll in every course out there — only to realize you could have spent that time actually prospecting.

The lesson? Tactics can be great — but they’re next to useless if you haven’t built the right outreach muscles through execution.

Liston Witherill, Head of Growth at Gold Front, Chief of Sales Insights at Serve Don’t Sell, host of the Modern Sales Podcast, and soon-to-be author, joined us to talk about the powerful effects that habit formation can have on your outreach.

What we cover:

  • The mindset you need for outreach
  • Why execution trumps tactics when it comes to outreach
  • How pattern matching makes outreach easier

“There’s an overemphasis on tactics and an underemphasis on execution. Of course, that’s because it’s hard to sell a book or a course that says, ‘Just go do it 1000 times.’ But really, that is the advice.”

Liston Witherill, Head of Growth at Gold Front, Chief of Sales Insights at Serve Don’t Sell, and host of the Modern Sales Podcast

Now that your outreach muscles are ready to compete against an oiled-up 1970s Schwarzenegger, are you ready to dive into how video delivers a more human CX or how to get the most out of your CRM? Check out the full list of episodes: The B2B Revenue Executive Experience.