Sales Process Optimization

Is your sales process everything it could be?

sales process
  • The implications of your competitive landscape
  • How to consistently qualify your opportunities
  • The needs of your buyers and their industries
  • How to accurately forecast sales
  • How to advance qualified opportunities
  • How to close those opportunities when forecasted

Your business-to-business sales process is how you systematically “manufacture” your customers and prospects. Through a series of specific steps, you discover promising prospects, engage them, and ultimately convert them into customers. Using these defined steps vastly improves the predictability of the outcome, and the likelihood of closing.

Common Sales Phases:

The ValueSelling Framework® assists in sales process optimization by providing skills and tools to support every stage of your sales process, whether it is already developed or still a work-in-progress. Through our customizable ValueSelling Framework, we can:

  • Overlay ValueSelling skills and tools to fit your preexisting process, so you can keep and improve upon your best practices;
  • Design an entirely new sales process that maps to your company’s needs and your prospect’s buying process; and/or
  • Help you understand, define and improve your own sales process and best practices, to create a successful template to use at every stage of the sale.

Whether your sales process is complex, nonexistent or somewhere in-between, we can help you create or customize a sales process that fits your business needs.
