

Easy and contextual way to practice ValueSelling skills on the job


Prompts and explanations that “coach” your reps, right when they need it


14 modules reinforce critical ValueSelling Framework concepts, solidifying new habits

Microlearning that makes training stick

Everyone knows the hardest thing to do is to change old habits and adopt new best practices. After investing in ValueSelling training, how do you make sure your team actually uses what they learned? We have a solution – ValueSelling@Work microlearning*.

It’s the bridge between the classroom and your next sales call.

ValueSelling@Work microlearning helps your salesforce build skills, reinforce habits and achieve results immediately following their training experience. Whether in the field or in the office, ValueSelling@Work empowers individuals with pointers and prompts so they can practice their newly acquired skills, achieve early success, and gain greater confidence.


Drive sales training success

Each module focuses on a specific ValueSelling topic to help your team overcome sales challenges and hone their ValueSelling sales skills. Reinforcing ValueSelling concepts within the context of your sales process leads to greater use and behavior change.

Topics that reinforce ValueSelling Framework® concepts:

  • Applying the Opportunity Assessment Tool
  • Pre-Call/Next Call Planning with a ValuePrompter®
  • The Value of the Mutual Plan
  • Begin with the End in Mind
  • Successfully Identifying Business Issues
  • Becoming a Problem Expert
  • Create Solutions with Your Customers
  • Deliberate Differentiation
  • Uncover Personal Value
  • Uncover Business Value
  • Identify Who Has Power
  • Bargaining for Access to Power
  • Using Anxiety Questions
  • Continuous Re-Qualification

While working an opportunity, a rep can face numerous challenges. The key in keeping a deal moving forward is to use ValueSelling concepts consistently. ValueSelling@Work microlearning guides your team on the best ways to engage, qualify, advance and close deals.

Use ValueSelling@Work to reinforce great sales habits that prime your revenue engine with:

  • More deals
  • Higher win rates
  • Faster onboarding and time to revenue for new reps
  • Greater sales productivity
  • Increased revenue growth

Ask your ValueSelling Associate about how you can incorporate the ValueSelling@Work microlearning into your overall training initiative and make learning an ongoing habit.

*Available to clients who have completed ValueSelling training.