Renewal Sales and Account Management: 5 Keys to Improving your Retention Rate

According to Harvard Business Review, increasing customer retention by 5% boosts profits by 25%-90%. Therefore, the time you spend improving your customer retention rate could be your most profitable activity. That’s a great way to start off your new year!

We know that the cost of acquiring a new customer is 5-25 times more than keeping an existing customer. If you aren’t focused on renewal sales and customer retention, you are risking growth and margins from your existing accounts.

Join us for this complimentary webinar as Julie Thomas, President and CEO of ValueSelling Associates, presents how to boost renewal rates, perfect your customer retention process, and create a frictionless customer experience.

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What you’ll learn:

  • When to begin customer retention activities
  • How to manage customer’s expectations
  • How to regain a customer’s trust when expectations haven’t been met
  • How to assess the health of the renewal opportunity and identify risk of cancellation

Who should attend:

  • Sales leaders and managers
  • Sales professionals
  • Sales enablement
  • Strategic account teams

Thursday, January 21st, 2021 | 10a Pacific

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