The Keys to Building Trust and Demonstrating Empathy

Trust and empathy are the ideal way to start meaningful conversations. But how do you engage busy executives who are predisposed to do nothing… especially at this point in time. Learn how to develop and deliver value-based stories that prove you understand their business, have a handle on the industry situation, and showcase your track record. Once you’ve hooked them, executives are more likely to open up, share their perspective, and start a professional relationship with you.

In this complimentary one-hour webinar, Julie Thomas, President & CEO of ValueSelling Associates, unpacks how to construct and tell value-based stories that will win over decision-makers.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to engage executives in high-level conversations
  • How to create value-based stories that captivate and create interest
  • How to deliver any story with confidence

Who Should Attend:

  • Sales Executives
  • Sales Managers
  • Sales Engineering
  • Service Sales
  • Anyone who wants to engage and create interest through storytelling

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